Arrival - 7:50 am-8:10 am
We welcome students at 7:50 each morning at the gym entrance.
Students report to homeroom at 7:50.
Car riders are dropped off at the gym cross walk.
Bus riders disembark in front of the gym doors.
Dismissal - 3:10
Individuals who pick up students are required to present Student ID Cards.
ID Cards should be placed on the dashboard or with parent at parking lot pick up.
Car riders have two options during the Pick-Up Zone.
Option 1: Park in the parking lot and greet students at the front entrance crosswalk. Parents stay on the parking lot side and Ms. Robin directs walkers to parents.
Car Riders
Option 2: Parents line up in the car rider line located in front of the school. Car riders are dismissed from the gym entrance. Students are released from the gym after the ID Cards are presented. Students greet cars at the gym crosswalk.
Bus Riders
Bus riders are released by Bus number at the gym crosswalk