Anderson Elementary Parent Involvement Plan
Parent involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including and ensuring that:
- Parents play an integral role in assisting their child's learning
- That parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child's education at school
- That parents are full partners in their child's education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child;
- The carrying out of other activities, such as those described in section 1118 of the ESEA
We believe in the importance of parents as their child's first teacher. We also believe that only a team approach that includes commitment from all of the individuals that influence a child's day can assist in making each child successful academically and individually.
Following the fall and sinter reading and math assessments individual parent contacts will be made for students in 1st – 6th grade. Parents receive an agreement to sign that reviews academic goals for their students in the fall and winter.
There will be a Title I annual meeting that may be combined with our Spring into Summer Event and Open House We also update parents throughout the year at our Reading Buddies Dinners. At this meeting parents will receive a written explanation of the requirements of Title I and the right of parents to be involved in their child's education.
Parents will be notified through School Messenger updates, newsletters, website, and social media about the following:
1) Opportunities for meetings in the morning, afternoon or evening for the parent's convenience.
2) Opportunities to serve as a volunteer in the classroom, as a representative on schoolwide committees such as School Climate, Parent Advisory Meetings, Curriculum and Instruction and School Planning and Improvement along with fieldtrip chaperone positions, Book Fair volunteers, or field day assistants.
Due to the shift of the enrollment throughout the year as new students enter they will have a conference with the school counselor, resource teacher or attendance secretary enrolling their child to determine though an inventory and discussion each child's special needs. Contact lists and special instructions that are for reasons of safety will be addressed at this time by the parent enrolling the child.
Parent sign-up sheets are provided at the Anderson Open House to allow parents to participate in areas of interest and in programs that are provided at the school.
In addition to weekly Wednesday folders for class and school updates, teachers invite parents to join Class Dojo for daily and weekly updates.
Notices are sent home with regard to PTA meetings, Open House, Spring into Summer Event, Award assemblies, and Reading Events to include all students.
Parents receive a copy of each grade level curriculum with a list of Student Performance Indicators that children are expected to master. Copies of each child's STAR reading inventory from Accelerated Reader and writing assessment results may be shared at conferences in addition to the interim reports and Standardized Test results that are sent home.
To allow for communication and parent input:
Students are provided a daily planner and/or access to Canvas that provides a daily means of communication between teachers and parents.
Some teachers communicate through email and supply their daily schedule for the convenience of families that may need to conference during the day.
Opportunities are provided through monthly PTA executive board to give parents access to school information along with informal meetings of Parent Involvement Team representatives.
Additionally, parents will have opportunities to make suggestions with a response from either the appropriate teacher committee or the school principal, in addition to daily follow-up to parent individual concerns.
Annual IEP meetings and those scheduled upon request are facilitated in addition to parent/teacher conference days.
Annual Surveys for school climate and parent satisfaction are conducted with an action plan developed to address areas of greatest need.
School Level handbooks allow for parent input.
Through the democratic process of classroom meetings and grade level representation, student leaders may be requested to give input on decisions as appropriate through their officers or faculty sponsor.
Parents review the school-parent compact on an annual basis and revisions are made at the time of printing.
There will be an annual review and evaluation of the Parent Involvement Action Plan
I have had an opportunity to read the School Level Parent Involvement Plan and find it to be: SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY
Plan Component 1:
Anderson Elementary is committed to involving families in policy development. (NOTE: this component supports TPIS Standard 5: sharing power.)
1. Parents will have an opportunity to discuss and provide input through monthly PTA meetings
2. Parents will be represented on the Leadership Team and will be involved in the development of the parent plan and the TSIPP
3. Parents will be represented on the school's SIP
4. Anderson will maintain a parent/school compact as part of its parent involvement plan. This compact will describe how parents, staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement.
5. Parents and educators will have the opportunity to provide input through surveys and through postings on the school's web page.
Component 2:
The Family Engagement Plan includes technical assistance and planning support for effective family engagement. (NOTE: this component supports TPIS Standard 2: communicating effectively.)
1. Parents will be notified of school's parent involvement plan in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language the parents can understand.
2. Anderson has convened an annual parent meeting to inform parents about the school's parent involvement programs and right of parents to be involved.
3. Assistance is provided to parents in better understanding state standards (content as well as achievement), local assessments, and how to monitor a child's progress and work with teachers to improve student achievement. Specifically, teachers will address these topics during monthly PTA meetings.
4. Classroom newsletters and a monthly school-wide updates are sent home on a regular basis and contain information regarding school programs including report cards, test results, new programming options, and suggestions for parents to become involved in their child's education
5. The Anderson report card and other key sources of information regarding academic assessment and expected student proficiency levels are linked to the school website and report card information is published in the monthly newsletter
6. Curriculum/courses of study may be accessed by a link from the school web site to the state department web site
7. Computers with access to the internet and email will be made available to parents in the computer lab.
9. Parents will be provided opportunities for regular meetings relating to the education of their children and as appropriate participate in decisions relating to the education of their children.
10. Title I parent involvement activities will be coordinated with parent involvement activities of other programs such as: preschool and ESL programs.
11. Information related to school and parent programs, to the extent practicable, will be sent in a language parents can understand.
Component 3:
The Family Engagement Plan supports clearly articulated goals for extent and type of family engagement. (NOTE: this component supports TPIS Standard 1: welcoming all families into the school community.)
1. A variety of planned, goal oriented programs will be oriented and implemented to engage all parents in their children's education in one or more of the following categories:
(NOTE: the link to student achievement and the importance of providing activities in each of the above categories is derived from Joyce Epstein's research at Johns Hopkins University.)
2. School will offer a flexible number of meetings (mornings as well as evenings).
3. Reasonable support for parent involvement act ivies will be provided per parent request (i.e., transportation, interpreter, etc.)
4. To the extent practicable, opportunities will be provided for full participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children.
5. Sign-in sheets and other forms of documentation will be kept on file and reviewed annually to assess parent participation in system and school activities in each of the six areas
Component 4:
The Family Engagement Plan provides for an evaluation process to promote continuous improvement of the engagement of all families. parenting (strategies to promote effective parenting practices at home) communicating (strategies to promote positive school-home communication) volunteering (opportunities for parents to volunteer or be an audience at school) learning at home (learning activities to involve parents with students at home) decision making (opportunities to engage in decision making, governance, and advocacy roles at both the school and system level) collaborating with the community (activities/events that foster school-community partnerships)
1. Annual surveys will be conducted at the school level to design more effective strategies; and to revise, if necessary, the parent involvement plan
2. Survey results will be analyzed to measure the effectiveness of the plan and to secure input regarding modifications in future practices
3. Measurable goals for increasing the level and quality of family involvement are part of the Anderson school improvement plan
Component 5:
The Family Engagement Plan requires family engagement at all school sites.
1 Anderson will develop a Family Engagement Plan that was developed jointly with parents, agreed on with parents, distributed to parents, and submitted as an annual update of the plan to the district office.
2 School will conduct an annual parent survey regarding the family practices provided at each school site and submit the survey results to the district office.
3 School will set a goal for family engagement for each major strategy.
4. Schools will submit plans to the central office for review and evaluation.
Component 6:
The Family Engagement Plan includes procedures for parents to access and understand course of study or curricular materials as well as Federal, State, and local standards. (NOTE: this component supports TPIS Standard 3: supporting student success.)
1. The school web site will contain a link to the Tennessee State Department of Education where the state curriculum for each grade level and subject area can be accessed
2. Progress indicators on elementary report cards will be aligned with state standards
3. The textbook adoption process will provide an opportunity for potential textbooks to be reviewed by parents and the community.
4. The Connection will have specific activities and materials set aside for the involvement of families.
5. The Anderson Elementary School Improvement Plan Goals will be communicated via the website, Parent School Compact, and Social Media throughout the school year. The Parent School Compact will be sent home in the fall and spring of each year. Reading Parties for K-2nd grade will occur four times each year. The principal will share updates about the school’s progress at each meeting.
Component 7:
The Family Engagement Plan encourages the support of district involvement in positive parenting skills. (NOTE: this component supports TPIS Standard 4: speaking up for every child.)
1. Materials and training are provided to help parents work with their children to improve their achievement, such as literacy training and using technology to foster parental involvement.
2. After school tutoring and homework programs will be provided to improve student homework and achievement
3. Parents will receive phone calls to confirm student absences and to encourage better student attendance; a letter will be sent home once a student has accrued five unexcused absences; each school should develop attendance incentives
4. Anderson uses reward programs to acknowledge good character and good student behavior. (TN Model of Demonstration School 2028, 2019, 2020)
Component 8:
The Family Engagement Plan incorporates family involvement in decision making and governance. (NOTE: this component supports TPIS Standard 5: sharing power.)
1. School staff members are friendly towards, respectful of, and helpful to all families
2. The school has several ways of listening to parents and engaging them in two-way communication (for example, Parent Advisory Board, PTA Board, meeting with administration and/or teachers, parent involvement events, and providing ways to give input on the school web site)
3. Parent representatives will serve on SIP Committees.
Component 9:
The Family Engagement Plan supports professional development to build the capacity for family engagement. (NOTE: this component supports TPIS Standard 3: supporting student success.)
1. Professional development in the area of family engagement will be provided to all staff members, Staff will be educated in the value and contributions of parents, in working with parents, and in building ties between parents and schools
2. Families will have opportunities to be included in family engagement training.
3. Anderson will be supported by the district office in planning/implementing family engagement activities for the purpose of improving student achievement
Component 10:
The Family Engagement Plan specifies budget and funding for family engagement.
1. The school has adequate staff and resources to implement the family involvement standards
2. The Anderson Title I and site-based budgets will reflect a commitment to the effective development, implementation, and evaluation of family engagement programs including but not limited to the following:
Response to Intervention and Instruction Specialists
Behavior Interventionist
Family involvement and materials
School level newsletters and other publications
Staff development
Component 11:
The Family Engagement Plan encourages families and school staff to work together with community members to connect students, families, and staff to expanded learning opportunities, community services, and civic participation. (NOTE: this component supports TPIS Standard 6: collaborating with community.)
1. Partnerships between the school and community organizations will be encouraged including but not limited to Coalition for Kids, Reading Buddies, LEAPS, Boys and Girls Club, YWCA, and the Connection.
The Anderson Family Engagement Plan is made available to the local community and updated periodically to meet the changing needs of parents and the school.